Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Confetti Corn

Confetti Corn, a mixture of corn, peppers, onion and bacon.
     My husband and I both love corn on the cob and it has been a frequent carbohydrate accompaniment to grilled everything!  The only downside to corn on the cob is calculating the amount of carbohydrate in an ear.  After a dinner with corn on the cob my husband would typically end up with a low blood sugar from estimating incorrectly - the guidelines were just too ambiguous.  
     Since we didn't want to give up fresh summer corn but were willing to forgo the cob, I started cooking up vegetable sautes with corn-off-the-cob, onion, peppers, zucchini and summer squash.  By cutting the kernels off the cob and weighing them before cooking I could give my husband a much accurate carb count and bulking up the corn with more veggies was good for both of us.  The corn-vegetable combos were great but our all-time favorite is corn, peppers, onion and bacon because as you all know, bacon makes everything better!  And because this dish is so colorful it has to be called Confetti Corn.

Confetti Corn


  • Two ears of fresh corn on the cob (yellow, white or bi-color), removed from cob 
  • A sweet onion,diced 
  • A green bell pepper, diced 
  • A red bell pepper, diced 
  • Two slices of lean bacon, diced finely  
  • Salt and pepper, to taste 
  • Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes 
  •  1-2 teaspoons ground cumin 
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon chili powder

 Putting It Together: 

     Prep and cut all the vegetables.  Add bacon to a cold skillet, turn heat to medium-low and stir and cook until most of the fat has been rendered and bacon is browned.       

     Pour off the fat, turn up the heat to medium and add the diced onion, 1/4 teaspoon salt and the crushed red pepper flakes.  Stir and cook until onion begins to soften.  Add the corn, diced peppers, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, the cumin and chili powder and continue to cook until peppers and corn kernels are just slightly soft.    

       Add 2 tablespoons of water, cover skillet tightly with lid and turn down the heat.  Allow veggies to steam for just a minute or two, check veggies for doneness and adjust the seasoning, if needed.  The peppers will lose their bright colors if steamed or held too long.  Frozen corn is a great alternative.   

My husband is using a corn zipper.
Pretty colorful!
     The Recipe Builder estimated 13 points when using 10 ounces of corn off the cob (2 ears average 7-10 ounces) for the entire recipe or 4 servings, 3 Points each. 

Confetti Corn makes a great side for summer grilling.